Am well on the way toward my 23 in 2023 reading goal. Currently working on book number eleven. How about you? What are you reading these days? Extra time to read while on vacation was an added help. Must say, I've already read several really good books so far this year and hoping to read some more but, I don't want to forget to keep set aside that daily time spent with God, reading His Word-The Holy Bible. It is the one thing that is true and new every day it is read. The words and their application never grow old. A timeless treasure. If you have never done so, this could be a good reading goal for you. While it may seem lofty, try starting with one verse or one chapter a day. The book of Proverbs or Psalms are good places to start or any one of the books in the New Testament. If you don't own a Bible, it would be my pleasure to gift you one, courtesy of The Book Collector's Daughter.