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Praise God-First Missions Giving from The Book Collector's Daughter


Last month, we were blessed with the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Romania, ministering to the ROMA people group-gypsies in need of love, compassion, medical attention, education and most of all, the Savior-Jesus Christ. Over the course of more than a week much was accomplished in the name of God including daily medical clinics from a team of seven along with many locals providing help to interpret, transport and assist in a variety of ways. We attended a traditional ROMA wedding, daily revival services in three different villages, saw the ordination of a church Deacon who has been discipled, educated and demonstrated spiritual growth over years, saw twelve young people baptized and many decisions made and also a close friend acknowledge Christ as Savior-glory to God!

The goal of The Book Collector's Daughter was to glorify God and honor my mother's memory. To that end, a mission's gift of $200 is being donated toward the benefit of several needs/goals of the ROMA ministry in Tinca, Romania. Lamentations 3 speaks of the eye affecting the heart and that is exactly what has happened. While in the villages, we saw the many needs of the people. Homes did not have electricity, running water or plumbing. Meals are cooked on open fires. Outhouses are available for individual and groups of homes. Bathing is infrequent. The dead are laid out in their homes where meager personal belongings are placed outside to accommodate visitors until burial. To this end, provisions are being made by the local village church to provide assistance with bathing and laundry in a nearby building which was also used for the purpose of our clinics during the trip. The preacher has a desire to build a chapel in the village for the needs as outlined above so that personal belongings are not lost, damaged or stolen awaiting the burial of loved ones.

May we not cease to forget how good God has been to us, how very blessed we are or, the needs of others.

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