Insightfulness is a bit of a challenge isn't it? There seems to be an uncanny ability for most folks to recognize the faults, failures and shortcomings of others much easier than finding those same areas of concern in their own lives. Read recently that our biggest problem is oftentimes staring back at us in the mirror. There's a lot to be said of that. Today's highlights include "The One Year Daily Insights with Zig Ziglar and Dr. Ike Reinhard" and "52 Lists for Happiness".
The first provides the reader with a daily topic followed by a scripture verse and short devotional on the topic as well as a couple of daily questions to ask oneself and a quote to reflect upon. It is bound in an autographed imitation leather bound book. Very nice for your own daily use or, to gift to someone else.

The Second is a colorful, hardcover book titled "52 Lists for Happiness" which is designed for weekly journaling, inspiration for positive thoughts, balance and joy stemming from 52 prompts to the reader in a one per day format with plenty of space to write your thoughts and responses.

These are just two of the sixty-five devotional and journal titles available. Take a look and see what may interest you or a loved one for the year.